Kawtar Sadik elbaraka family melomania records

Record Labels Not Paying Artists On Time: The Kawtar Sadik Case


In recent times, the music industry has been grappling with a contentious issue that has exposed a rift between artists and record labels – the matter of unpaid royalties unless you keep running after them. A high-profile case that has caught the attention of music enthusiasts and legal experts alike is the dispute between Moroccan singer Kawtar Sadik and the record labels El Baraka Family Records and Melomania Records. This article delves into the intricacies of the case, shedding light on the challenges artists face when it comes to receiving fair compensation for their creative endeavors.

The Troubling Disconnect Between Artists and Labels

The heart of the issue lies in the fundamental financial relationship between artists and their record labels. Record labels, as intermediaries, are responsible for distributing and promoting an artist’s music. In return, artists are expected to cede a percentage of their earnings to the labels, encompassing sales, streaming royalties, and concert revenue. However, allegations of unpaid royalties and withheld earnings have been haunting the music industry for years.

The Kawtar Sadik vs. El Baraka Family Records Dispute

Kawtar Sadik, a prominent Moroccan artist, used Instagram to share her struggles with El Baraka Family Records. In her Instagram stories, Sadik revealed email exchanges where she requested statements for her tracks “Waidalal” and its remix, “Waidalal Remix.” She expressed concern over the lack of transparency in her dealings with the label, emphasizing her desire for accurate earnings reports.

The artist’s pleas for clarity were met with mixed responses. While El Baraka Family Records promised to provide the requested statements, Kawtar Sadik’s frustrations continued to mount. She questioned the authenticity of the provided information, hinting at discrepancies between the reported earnings and the actual figures she received. These allegations have stirred a debate on social media, with fans and fellow artists voicing their support for Sadik’s quest for transparency and fair compensation.

Melomania Records' Involvement and Responses

Adding to the complexity of the case is Melomania Records, another record label associated with Kawtar Sadik. The artist claimed that despite her commercial success, she had not received her rightful share of earnings from her music signed under Melomania Records. She highlighted that even after numerous attempts to communicate, her concerns were left unanswered.

Melomania Records, on the other hand, responded by acknowledging certain discrepancies in their communication but attributed them to administrative errors. The label assured that they were committed to resolving the issue and ensuring accurate statements were provided.

The Power of Social Media in Unveiling Injustices

Kawtar Sadik’s case is emblematic of the modern age, where artists have access to social media platforms to voice their grievances directly to their audience. Social media has emerged as a powerful tool for artists to share their experiences and demand accountability from record labels. It can exert significant pressure on labels to address issues promptly, fearing the negative backlash that can ensue.

Seeking Solutions and the Way Forward

The Kawtar Sadik case raises pertinent questions about the need for transparency, fair practices, and accountability within the music industry. Record labels need to embrace openness in their financial dealings with artists, ensuring that earnings are accurately reported and distributed. Artists, on the other hand, should be proactive in understanding their contracts and seeking legal guidance when necessary.

Collective action among artists, as well as industry-wide initiatives, can also play a crucial role in reshaping the dynamics between artists and labels. Artists’ collectives and unions can empower artists to collectively negotiate for fairer terms, advocate for transparency, and protect their rights.


The Kawtar Sadik vs. El Baraka Family Records and Melomania Records dispute is a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges that exist within the music industry. The case highlights the urgency for reform and the establishment of fair practices to ensure that artists receive the compensation they rightfully deserve. It also underscores the growing influence of social media in holding record labels accountable and pushing for necessary changes. As artists like Kawtar Sadik continue to raise their voices, the music industry faces a transformative moment that could redefine its relationship with artists for years to come.


What is the Kawtar Sadik case all about? Kawtar Sadik’s case involves the artist’s allegations of unpaid royalties and withheld earnings by record labels El Baraka Family Records and Melomania Records.

How did Kawtar Sadik bring attention to the issue? Kawtar Sadik utilized her Instagram stories to share email exchanges and statements about her struggles with the record labels, sparking a broader discussion on social media.

What impact does social media have on such cases? Social media empowers artists to voice their concerns directly to their audience and holds record labels accountable for their actions, often leading to increased transparency.

Are there efforts within the industry to address these issues? Yes, there are growing discussions about the need for transparency, fair practices, and collective action to ensure artists’ rights are protected.

What can artists and labels do to resolve such disputes? Artists should educate themselves about their contracts, seek legal guidance, and consider collaborative approaches. Labels should prioritize transparency and fair accounting practices to avoid disputes.

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